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About A Blessing Food Pantry Inc

A Blessing Food Pantry Inc, believes that no one should go to bed hungry. That’s why we work hard to provide nutritious meals to people in need, especially children, seniors, and homeless people. We partner with local farms, restaurants, and grocery stores to source fresh and healthy food. We also rely on the generosity of our volunteers and donors to make our mission possible. Our food charity is more than just a service provider. We are a community of caring people who share a common vision of a world without hunger.

What We Provide

Sharing Meals, Spreading Love
Distribution among Needy
We believe that everyone deserves to have access to nutritious and delicious food, regardless of their financial situation or social status.
Food quality & safety
Food quality and safety are essential aspects of any food business, especially when it comes to serving vulnerable populations such as those who rely on welfare programs.
Respect & Dignity
Dude with Food Inc, believe that respect and dignity are essential values to uphold. Respect means treating each person as an individual, with their own preferences, needs, and goals.

Our mISsion

Our mission is to provide nutritious food to people in need, regardless of their circumstances. We believe that no one should go to bed hungry, and that access to healthy food is a basic human right. We work with local partners, donors and volunteers to distribute food to those who need it most, and to advocate for policies that address the root causes of hunger. We are committed to ending hunger in our community and beyond, with compassion, dignity and respect.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create a world where hunger is a thing of the past, and everyone has access to healthy food.

recent projects

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877 829 5500

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ngo address

12540 Litewood Dr, Hudson, FL 34669, USA